Mesmerizing, breathtaking…I couldn’t stop reading and stayed up all night until I finished this book in one sitting. I read a book about women in the Bible back when I was in high school and always felt that there was more to women than we are usually told. I loved this take on the Testaments…and for those wondering, no, I don’t see it as sacrilegious at all…the opposite, perhaps.
Notable lines (loved the quarantine line as we remain in pause mode):
“How, though, could anyone be born while quarantined in this house?”
“‘I cannot forget that you left me. That knowledge will always remain in a corner of me, but I wish to let myself be loved.’”
“‘Anger is effortless . . . Kindness is hard. Try to exert yourself.’”
Also, shout out to the Book of the Month club! I was first introduced to it by an event they held in NYC, and was immediately hooked. They make great recommendations and make reading so much fun!