A Tribute to Alexander Hamilton

I just started perusing Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton the Revolution,” and am blown away by the thought, precision and dedication he put into piecing together a rather unknown albeit historic figure.  The musical will move you through a range of emotions, but the book (and its painstakingly witty footnotes) will take you on a creative journey of beautiful prose and rhetoric.

In Act I, James Madison depicts Hamilton as one who:
“Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain,
And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain.”

Hamilton was hotheaded, passionate, fierce and revolutionary.  Yet it all began with a traumatic and lonely upbringing, which ignited a talent for writing that he utilized to move a nation toward independence.  Lin-Manuel brings Hamilton’s story to justice as he infuses his narratives with rap and soulful beats.

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